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Student Support and Guidance

The Support and Guidance team at Stoke Park School is here to ensure that all students with specific needs are supported throughout their school life. There is excellent provision provided by the SEND and Inclusion team. Students for whom English is not their first language are supported by the schools excellent EAL team.

We believe fully in Stoke Park's ethos, Students' First; It's about Learning; No Barriers. Our role as a team is to ensure that any barriers to learning are removed so that students can access the full curriculum relevant to them and be successful. As part of this we work with students and parents to support learning both in school and at home. This involves regular communication home and support in lessons. For students with specific learning needs students and parents will be involved in reviews three times a year to check that the interventions and support we provide are as effective as possible.

We work closely with staff in The Bridge to ensure that all students are supported when they arrive at Stoke Park and to identify any possible barriers to learning. For any students who may be struggling with the academic rigour of the Bridge we offer a wide range of interventions designed to ensure students make rapid progress. These include Fresh Start for literacy, ‘Lexonic’, an English Intervention and ‘Rockstar’ maths. Students are consistently supported to ensure they achieve their very best.

As students continue their journey with us into KS4 and beyond we will work with students, parents and staff to identify any students who may need extra support with assessments. This support is then put into place for GCSE’s and A Level’s to ensure students leave us with the best possible qualifications and well-prepared for the next steps in their education. We will work with parents and the Local Authority to make sure all of our students are able to progress to positive destinations.

The Support and Guidance Leadership Team consists of highly experienced practitioners who understand the needs of our students in order to support their learning. 

Support and Guidance Leadership Team

SENDCO - Mrs Samra -

 EAL lead - Mrs Bruce

Leader of Transition - Mrs Veasey

Support and Guidance Team

HLTA ASC – Mrs Wilcox

HLTA SLCN – Mrs Walford

Ms St. John

Mrs Kaur

Ms Quarm

Miss Chrobot


For more information regarding SEND provisions in Coventry - Please click here